
Thousands of resources. Our collective intelligence. For our students.

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Wiki-Teacher is a free resource available to Clark County School District (CCSD) teachers as well as any teacher outside of CCSD. To begin using the thousands of resources found on the site, take just few minutes to create a new account

Featured Best Practices
Lessons & Units

The demonstration videos on Wiki-Teacher give educators an opportunity to see how other teachers implement best practices in their classrooms. Demonstration video topics include whole group and small group reading, math, and writing instruction along with classroom management and professional development videos.

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Featured Amazing Instruction Videos
Demonstration Videos

The demonstration videos on Wiki-Teacher give educators an opportunity to see how other teachers implement best practices in their classrooms. Demonstration video topics include whole group and small group reading, math, and writing instruction along with classroom management and professional development videos.

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Featured Standards Made Easy
Unwrapped Standards

The K-5 CCSD Math and English Language Arts (ELA) Power Standards have been unwrapped to support standards-based teaching by breaking down each standard into its component parts. The unwrapped standards include learning targets, student-friendly learning targets, vocabulary terms, and sample mastery assessments.

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Featured The Value in Sharing
Create a Free Account

Wiki-Teacher is a free resource available to Clark County School District (CCSD) teachers as well as any teacher outside of CCSD. To begin using the thousands of resources found on the site, take just few minutes to create a new account.

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